Monday, January 13, 2014

Greensboro Foundation Settlement and Its Cause

Dixie Building
Greensboro, NC is a city in North Carolina, which is the third largest city in the entire state. It is home to the Bog Garden, Bicentennial Garden, Greensboro Coliseum Complex, and to the World War Memorial Stadium. There are many attractions in Greensboro which make it a fun place to visit, and a great place to raise a family.

However, if you are a homeowner in Greensboro, or if you are thinking about buying a home here, you need to realize that foundation settlement is a problem that you could have in the not so distant future. You see, the soil in homes surrounding the area is rich in clay material. Clay is very absorbent, and whenever it rains or you have melting snow, the dirt is going to quickly absorb the moisture. When it absorbs this water, it will start to swell, expand, and contract. It may leave voids underneath your home, and over time, this is what your home will sink into.

Needless to say, a sinking home is going to look bad, and it's surely going to take away from your property value. What's more is that this is a serious structural problem that could jeopardize your structural integrity. If left untreated for too long, there's no saying how severe the damage may be to both the inside and outside of your home.

Foundation Settlement Repair

So, what can you do when it comes to foundation settlement repair? Seal-Tite can install foundation piers - we work with helical and push piers. These piers will be able to shift the weight of your home off of the failing foundation and onto the piers themselves. This means that you never again need to worry about a sinking foundation problem. The structural integrity of your home will be greatly improved, and you won't have to worry about one or more sides of your home sinking further and further into the earth.

To learn more about foundation settlement repair in Greensboro, feel free to give us a call ASAP. We offer convenient appointment scheduling for NC homeowners.
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